In two weeks, I'll be 19 years old. Over that period, I have bore witness to countless sporting events, viewed wither on television, in the stands, or as a player myself. Following most of these occasions, I would change the channel, leave my seat, or walk off the field and forget about the game's goings-on within a few days or weeks.
But there were exceptions; events, either momentary or prolonged, that left a clear and lasting impression on me, even to this day. Below, I have compiled a list of the occurrences in sports that did the best job of boggling my mind over the last 15 or so years (my first sports memory is from when I was four), along with when it happened and where I was at the time. You may read it and notice events that would most certainly be considered snubs if excluded from a countdown of the most memorable sports events of the last two decades (there are no NBA selections, for example, because up until very recently I just hadn't cared enough about it), but that is not what this is. This list is personal. It has as much to do about me as it does about these moments themselves. So please bear that in mind.