Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Yet Again, A Touching Moment in Sports

It's a pretty common, yet always appropriate occurrence in sports; either before or during a game the home team will take the time to honor our nations military personnel who attended the game that day.  At Nats park, the military men and women all go down to right behind home plate in between an inning and the crowd gives them a standing ovation.  I will never tire of it, and I will always applaud until my hands are red.  Something like that at a hockey game after the jump, including an unbelievably emotional video.

 It was the same deal at a hockey game this past Veterens Day at a Bruins-Sabres game.    In honor of the past Veteran's Day weekend, the Bruins invited Darren and Lori Jacobs, the parents of Lt. Charles Jacobs (currently serving overseas), to drop the ceremonial puck. For the past seven months, Charles has been in Afghanistan with the 182nd infantry of the Massachusetts Army National Guard.  The video will show you the rest.

As I am procrastinating as much as possible for my mid-term tomorrow, I ran across this video.  The look on the mother's face as her son walks across the ice made me tear up.  I doubt my own mother could even stand if I came home early from a tour of duty and surprised her at a sporting event.  My posts will probably never again include country music, but this song is too appropriate.  Somehow if it's not in your library, be a good American and add it.

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